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John Trainor

Official Website of Best Selling Author, Including the Award-Winning Book

Meet the McGhee's


tell everyoe im famous autobiography by john trainor

Tell Everyone I'm Famous

meet mr mctavish book by john trainor

Meet Mr. McTavish

meet the mcghees book by john trainor

Meet the McGhee's

meet mowgli muldoon book by john traior

Meet Mowgli Muldoon

meet malachi book by john trainor

Meet Malachi


Meet Peter the Pickpocket

Meet the Mountain (3).jpg

Meet the Mountain



This refreshingly authentic work follows a spiritual journey of sorts for the main character (Joey) whose father's death prompts a search for truth: not simply the truth surrounding the circumstances of the father's death, but also the truth on how one can live a life of fulfillment and meaning.

Suspenseful, heartfelt and ultimately inspiring. The author clearly understands the gamut of human emotion and how character is most always the product of life's adversity.

Delightful. Trainor brings his characters to life. His story speaks to the struggles of many immigrants but especially to the Scot. This book has made a lasting impression on me and reminds me to put God and family before my own earthly ambitions.



author poet john trainor

John Trainor epitomizes the true meaning of ''Renaissance Man''. Author, poet, artist, musician, narrator, comedian, motivational speaker, but most of all he is a proud Scot. Born and raised in Coatbridge in the west of Scotland, John hitched his wagon and has traveled the globe, yet he has not lost one wee bit of his inimitable Scottish brogue.


John established himself as a writer when his highly acclaimed autobiography titled ''Tell Everyone I'm Famous'' sold out, leading to a second digital edition for Kindle Unlimited Members. 


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